The 15 Best Career Tests

Choosing a new career can be daunting in today’s rapidly evolving job market. With complex advancements in tech and the ongoing upheaval of the global economy, new roles are emerging, and traditional ones are transforming.

The immediate, most efficient solution? Career tests!

Designed to help you find a job and industry that you’re suited to, career tests explore different attributes like technical skills, work personality traits, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore the 15 best career tests from around the web.

Whether you want to learn what new roles are emerging or are already set to take the plunge with a career change, this list offers the best options to find out your ideal new career path.

We’ll cover:

  1. What are career tests, and how can they help?
  2. The best free career tests
  3. Final thoughts

Let’s jump right in!

1. What are career tests, and how can they help?

Career tests are assessments that identify your skills, interests, and personality traits before matching you with jobs that align with these attributes. They are a valuable tool for helping you make informed decisions about the future.

The main benefit of a career test is its ability to identify jobs you might not have considered before. In today’s labor market, where new roles are constantly popping up, there are many roles you might not have heard of.

By introducing you to new areas of work, a good career test can help you decide whether or not it’s the right one for you. 

On top of identifying possible job options, career tests can also flag your strengths and—more importantly—your improvement areas. In turn, this will inform decisions about your education and training.

For example, a good test might guide you to the skills and qualifications you need to pursue your desired career path. 

Whatever your purpose for doing a career test, learning what interests you is the first step in deciding where to go with your personal and professional development. So if you’re feeling stuck, a career test may be just what the doctor ordered to get back on track.

2. The best free career tests

Now we know what career tests can do for you, let’s explore a few popular ones. In this section, we’ll cover our handpicked top 10 career tests. For good measure, we’ve also included five work personality tests. Ultimately, though, both work towards the same end.

The Top 10 career tests

1. O*Net Interest Profiler

Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, the O*Net Interest Profiler is a quick, easy tool for assessing your interests and preferences in different career fields.

It uses the well-known Holland Code occupations classification system. Consisting of 60 multiple-choice questions, the test provides results for six work-related interests, including realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional working styles.

After completing it, you can input how much preparation, education, and training you’re willing (or able) to undertake to pursue your ideal career. You’ll then be directed to the best-fit careers for your interests and preparation level. This test isn’t the most comprehensive on our list, but as a free resource, it’s excellent for those looking to dip a toe into the career test pool!

2. CareerFoundry’s Career Changer’s Quiz

CareerFoundry’s Career Changer’s Quiz is designed to assess your skills, interests, and values so you can explore potential industries you may not have considered before.

What makes the test unique is that rather than targeting specific jobs, it takes a broader view of your suitability for several sectors, including technology, healthcare, finance and accounting, media and communications, education, and renewable energy and sustainability.

Consisting of ten multiple-choice questions, the test explores your personality traits, personal values, and—crucially—what skills you think are most important for success in the workplace. It takes about five minutes to complete.

3.—career aptitude test’s free career aptitude test assesses your suitability for different roles, again based on the Holland Code personality types. However, unlike the O*Net Interest Profile, this test is visually driven, presenting fifteen sets of pictures depicting specific work activities.

For each picture set, you must choose the task that appeals to you the most and the one that appeals least. After adding additional details about your current work situation, you’ll receive tailored suggestions for job pathways. Each comes with a detailed description and a percentage match, allowing you to narrow the options even further. Bonus!

4. Career Explorer

Career Explorer is an innovative career test utilizing advanced machine learning, psychometrics, and career satisfaction data to provide personalized career recommendations.

By analyzing your interests, goals, work history, workplace preferences, and personality Career Explorer generates comprehensive career matches. This test’s main USP is that its machine learning models are continuously improving adding reliability to the results.

Furthermore, Career Explorer’s database includes over 1,500 regularly updated career and degree profiles, ensuring you only have the most up-to-date information. Plus, if you use Discord, you can connect with others on similar career paths or to discuss your test results. And the best part? It’s all free!

5. MAPP test

Lasting about 22 minutes and consisting of 71 questions, the MAPP test (Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential) aims to gauge your preferences and aversions to different work situations. For the most accurate results, it’s designed to be answered reflexively rather than analytically—so just go with it!

A team of psychologists has rigorously tested the MAPP test for its validity, while research has also shown that it provides dependable career insights over time.

Upon completion, you’ll get immediate access to your results. Although for additional information—such as a personalized assessment of different jobs that you’re suited to— you’ll have to fork out. Report pricing starts at $89.95, so you might prefer to stick with the basic test or find a free alternative.

6.—career values assessment’s career values assessment is good if you want to learn more about your underlying work needs and motivations. By ranking different aspects of work across six underlying values (including recognition, independence, and achievement), the test provides insights into what you’ll find important in a job.

You’ll receive scores for the six work value areas and a list of 739 occupations, ranked according to how well they match your values. The test consists of 20 questions and takes about 12 minutes to complete.

Be aware this is just one of four career assessment tests on the website and is the only free one. The additional three assessments—a personality test, interest inventory, and skills profiler—come with a small fee. But at under $10 per test, it’s less than some of the pricier options out there!

7. CareerOneStop—Work Values Matcher

Another tool sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, CareerOneStop’s Work Values Matcher helps identify core work values and careers that align with them. This quick card sorting exercise involves ranking 20 statements about your ideal job before matching the answers to the six work values: achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support, and working conditions.

The tool then presents a list of occupations that match these. Better yet, it also helps identify employers that share these values. Since identifying your work values can lead to greater job satisfaction, motivation, and a positive work environment, it’s definitely worth giving this free test a shot.

8. Open-Source Psychometrics Project—Holland Code (RIASEC) Test

The Open-Source Psychometrics Project offers an interactive version of the Holland Code Test. It focuses on career and vocational choice, grouping people based on their suitability for six categories of occupations.

Developed by John L. Holland in the 1950s, the Holland Code has become the dominant method for career counseling and vocational assessment.

To take the test, you’ll see 48 tasks before rating how much you would enjoy performing each on a five-point preference scale. It takes about ten minutes to complete, and although you shouldn’t let the name fool you—don’t use it for psychological advice!—it can still provide insights into career choices you might not otherwise have considered.

9. The Career Test

The Career Test is a free, user-friendly tool that utilizes machine learning to generate results for those seeking guidance on their career journey. It takes around 15 minutes and provides an overview of potential careers based on your personality, interests, and workplace preferences.

Its real strength over the other tests on our list is how well it highlights specific fields of study you might want to consider. With a satisfaction rating of 98.9% (at least according to the website, so take it with a pinch of salt!) millions of people have taken the Career Test.

However, to offer a dispassionate view, we’d recommend using the results as a starting point for further exploration rather than as prescriptive advice.


If you’re a student or graduate about to enter the job market, this free career test is ideal for those just setting out. The test takes 2-3 minutes, with results displayed in 15 broad career categories.

While it’s a quite light touch, you can take other free career tests on the site to further narrow your interests. You can then research careers and educational programs that might interest you.

The results are readily accessible online, and you don’t have to offer any personal information (such as email address or work history) or payment to take the test. We’d say this one is a good launch point for other career tests that go a bit more in-depth.

The Top 5 work personality tests

While all career tests arguably assess some aspect of personality, some focus specifically on personality traits. Here are our top five:

1. Keirsey Assessments

Diving deep into your personality the Keirsey assessments offer unrivaled insights into your strengths. Over 100 million people in 170+ countries have used it, meaning it is a well-trusted resource.

The system provides assessments, workshops, coaching, and certifications, allowing individuals to explore opportunities and challenges.

According to their website, 75% of the Fortune 500 have used Keirsey. And while it is respected for personal and professional development in the context of careers, it does come with a price attached. Pricing plans vary depending on the level of detail you want to go into and the type of report you want. 

2. Truity

Truity’s Enneagram personality test is a free online assessment designed to help define which of its nine personality types best describes you.

Answer 105 questions to receive a basic summary of your score for each of the nine types. This personality test takes 10-15 minutes to complete and is considered pretty reliable.

That said, no personality test is 100% accurate, so keep the potential margin of error in mind. If you wish, you also have the option to purchase an in-depth report that includes a variety of insights and recommendations.

If you have more questions, Enneagram Test FAQ provides detailed answers to the most common ones. Check them out!

3. 16Personalities

The 16personalities test is easy to navigate, and the questions are straightforward to answer. It provides a detailed report of your personality type, including strengths, weaknesses, and potential career paths.

It divides personality types into four categories: Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels, and Explorers, each with four sub-personality types (hence the name, 16 personalities).

Premium (read: ‘paid’) guides can offer more insight, helping you capitalize on your strengths and improve your weaker areas.

Some may find the questions too general, so we wouldn’t recommend the paid report unless you’re feeling spendy. However, the test is a great starting point for self-discovery.

4. CareerFitter

The Career Test by CareerFitter includes 60 questions. What’s great about this test is that it’s optimized for your smartphone. You’ll receive a full report about your personality strengths, leadership and management style, a careers list, and what drives you.

The careers list is especially helpful, as it is linked to videos, research, and job openings near you.

You’ll also learn how much you can earn and find beginner tips for getting started. If you want to fork out a little, the premium Aptitude Aversion Assessment further refines the list of potential careers. You can take the free test here or learn more about the premium option.

5. offers a scientifically recognized psychological model for assessing an individual’s personality traits. The test consists of 30 questions in five main areas: open-mindedness, extraversion, professional sense of responsibility, sociability, and neuroticism/natural reactions.

Certified by recognized psychologists, after completing it, you’ll receive immediate results that you can use to understand more about yourself. Beware, though, you can only take the test once for free.

To repeat it, you’ll have to pay a subscription fee, so be sure to get the answers right the first time!

3. Final thoughts

So there we have it: Our hand-picked top 15 career tests!

In this post, we’ve learned that a career test is an excellent way to gain insight into your personality, skills, and interests. You can use this information to make informed decisions about your future.

With the abundance of free and paid tests available online, there’s no reason not to try one of these tools. Just have fun with it!

Of course, it’s important to remember that career tests are just one piece of the puzzle. Although they can be helpful, we don’t recommend relying solely on the results of a career test to make life-changing decisions.

Your wants and needs are paramount. Instead, use the information these tests provide as a guide to help you explore different career paths. Then, take some time to research and gather additional information.

Finally, don’t forget that, in the real world, career paths are rarely linear. It’s OK to change your mind, pivot, and pursue different opportunities over time. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself, your interests, and your values and make decisions that fit with these as they evolve.

If you’ve already decided on a career in tech, try one of our free short courses or chat directly with a program advisor.

If you’re still interested in a potential career change, check out the following guides:

What is CareerFoundry?

CareerFoundry is an online school for people looking to switch to a rewarding career in tech. Select a program, get paired with an expert mentor and tutor, and become a job-ready designer, developer, or analyst from scratch, or your money back.

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