7 UX Design Trends to Watch in 2023!

20 December 2022 6:00 pm Online UI Design , UX Design
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What UX design trends should we be looking out for in 2023?

If you came here for updates on skeuomorphism, color palettes, and design tools, this recording isn’t for you…

Maureen Herben, Senior Product Designer at Zalando, examines 7 key emerging trends that she sees as being the future of the UX design industry.

We’ll be diving deep into the future of the industry, looking at the latest developments and technologies that will shape the future of UX design over the next 5 to 10 years.

UX designers have the potential to be major changemakers in our society. To do this ethically and efficiently requires empathy.

One of the best ways to practice and cultivate empathy is to keep yourself up-to-date and connected to the world around you by actively learning about current events, and societal changes—as well as connecting with peers in and out of the tech industry.

Focusing on genuine, industry-led insights that encompass larger fields like work culture, developments in UX practices, and big tech breakthroughs can give you the wherewithal needed to become an empathic, modern, and cutting-edge designer.

If you’d like to learn more about UX design and how to thrive in this ever-evolving field, here are a few other articles that will be helpful to you:


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Maureen Herben

Product Designer at Miro & CareerFoundry UX Graduate

Product Designer, Content Creator and Workshop Facilitator on a mission to make design knowledge accessible to everyone.