8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Out in UX Design

24 May 2023 6:00 pm Online UI Design , UX Design
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Ever wanted to know what it’s really like to work as a UX designer?

The reality of the job might be a little different from what you thought! It certainly was for Maureen Herben, a CareerFoundry UX graduate who went on to become a product designer.

While completing a UX program will do as much as it can to prepare you for the realities of working life, there’s plenty you’ll only learn about once you start working in the field.

Check out this recording of a live presentation from Maureen, who shares her experiences entering the industry, including all the things she wished she knew before she started.

This recording is perfect for you if you’re preparing for your job search!

If you’re keen to get started in this industry, why not try out CareerFoundry’s FREE UX or UI design short courses to get a taste of the profession?

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Maureen Herben

Product Designer at Miro & CareerFoundry UX Graduate

Product Designer, Content Creator and Workshop Facilitator on a mission to make design knowledge accessible to everyone.