An Introduction to Product Management (with Megan Mulholland)

22 September 2022 5:00 pm Online Product Management
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So you’ve heard of product management, but what exactly is it?

And what does a product manager actually do?

Product managers are one of the most in-demand hires in business right now.

As more and more companies rely on these coveted professionals to drive the innovation and success of profitable products, there’s never been a better time to break into the field.

If you’ve been wondering what product management is and how it’s used, we’ve got the perfect recording for you.

Join CareerFoundry’s very own resident Chief Product Officer (CPO), Megan Mulholland, as she walks you through exactly what product management is from start to finish.

Don’t worry—this live event is perfect for beginners!

Career Change Career Talk

Featured presenters

Megan Mullholland

Megan Mulholland

Chief Product Officer (CPO) at CareerFoundry

I believe that technology has an immense potential to affect educational change. I love working on products that have tangible, positive impacts on people's lives!