Carolina Baroni de Souza's Intro to Digital Marketing Portfolio Project

During the CareerFoundry Intro to Digital Marketing Course, you’ll build out a job-ready project for your portfolio. Here is graduate Carolina’s project, Dolce Delizia, an organic Instagram campaign about a cake subscription service. If you’d like to see more of Carolina’s work, check out her other portfolio projects.
What inspired you to make a career change into this field?
I was a lawyer in Brazil before I moved to England four years ago and started a new career in customer service. I’ve always liked marketing and social media though. I found CareerFoundry’s Digital Marketing Program and decided to start studying and start a new career in an area that I’ve always been interested in.
What did you enjoy most about the CareerFoundry Intro to Digital Marketing Course?
I really enjoyed the course because it’s not just theoretical. We had the chance to put what we learned into practice and actually produce our own projects.
What did you enjoy about creating your CareerFoundry portfolio project?
I loved carrying out this project because we had the chance to apply what we learned and see that we were able to achieve engagement on social networks. It’s very satisfying to see that people are enjoying your work!
With regards to your new skills, what are your hopes for the future?
I hope that with this new knowledge I will be able to start a new career and get a great job in a great company.
What went well?
Video posts of cakes got more likes and comments than other types of posts.
What didn’t go well?
Reels with just the Dolce Delizia brand and not featuring the actual product did not perform as well. Also, posting all content on the same day did not go as well.
What can be improved?
Making reels with the product featured. The message to followers would be to tag a friend and share the post, in order to reach more people.
Action Items
- Post content every day and make promotions to give away cake for people who follow the Dolce Delizia account, asking followers to tag friends and share the posts
- Always use the same colors and fonts
- Have different posts for different social media channels
- Reels have a bigger reach than other posts
Other Portfolios
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Daniela Vacas’s Intro to Digital Marketing Portfolio Project