Chad Stacey's Portfolio Project

Throughout the Data Analytics Program, students are asked to imagine themselves as analysts for various imaginary companies. Below is a selection of analyses that form Data Analytics Program student Chad’s portfolio.
Hi Chad! What inspired you to make a career change into data analytics?
I wanted a career that plays to my strengths—I believe I’m a very adept presenter and communicator, and I also have an acute attention to detail. Pursuing a career in data will allow me to utilise these traits.
What are you enjoying most about the program?
I think it’s a really well put-together program. The fact that it’s completely flexible and all online is very useful because you’re not bound to any tight deadlines and can dedicate time as and when you’re able to.
With regards to your new skills, what are your hopes for the future?
Initially I’ll be happy to work in data analytics in any industry, because I want to gain commercial experience. Further down the line, I would love to work for a sports analytics company—and hopefully make the transition into data science.
Read Chad’s full career change story here: “From Tech Recruiter to Data Analyst: How I Found My Vocation“
- https://public.tableau.com/profile/chad.stacey#!/vizhome/DataStory-InfluenzaSeasonintheUS/InfluenzaSeasonStory
- https://github.com/chadstacey26/sql-careerfoundry-project
- https://public.tableau.com/profile/chad.stacey#!/
- https://github.com/chadstacey26/python-careerfoundry-project
Recommended viewing: Building Your First Data Analytics Portfolio: A Step by Step Guide
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