Isaac Choi's portfolio project

During the CareerFoundry Full-Stack Web Development Program, you’ll build out a job-ready portfolio. Below is a breakdown of graduate Isaac’s Pokedex web app portfolio project.If you’d like to visit his full portfolio, head to his website.
What inspired you to make a career change into this field?
To be honest, there wasn’t anything specific that dramatically inspired me to make a career change. Becoming a programmer was my longtime dream but to pivot to that path, I knew I had to drop everything I was doing and only focus on programming. But thanks to Covid-19 and the stimulus checks, I considered this my life-changing chance to study, with the time to focus on learning new skills.
What did you enjoy most about the CareerFoundry Web Development Program?
The CareerFoundry program focuses on the most popular techniques that are widely used in the majority of companies, so it’s great at laying the foundations. The quiz section at the end of each chapter helped me refresh my memory.
What did you enjoy about creating your CareerFoundry portfolio?
When building my portfolio website, I had to list out the skills I’ve learned, which I’ve never done before. After listing them all out, I was proud of myself and had the confidence that I can build anything that I desire!
With regards to your new skills, what are your hopes for the future?
I hope that I can make or contribute to a technology that boosts the quality of life.
Introducing his Pokedex project, Isaac said:
This is a simple project built with Jquery using asynchronous techniques to fetch data from external API. It has an infinite scroll feature, which allows people to load more Pokemon information by scrolling to the bottom of the page. I’ve also added many animations to try to make it as joyful as possible!
To view the code for this project, head to Isaac’s GitHub.
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