Danielle Landry's Intro to Product Management Portfolio Project

During the CareerFoundry Intro to Product Management Course, you’ll build out a job-ready project for your portfolio. Here is part of Danielle’s project: a presentation about suggested improvements for a travel and location app called MakeYourMaps.
In Danielle’s presentation, she outlines needs, solutions and measures for improvements to the app, as well as details on user personas, mid-fidelity wireframes, and a product launch plan.
Introducing her project and talking about her experience studying with CareerFoundry, here’s what Danielle had to share:
What inspired you to make a career change into this field?
While I am currently working in TV & film, I also have experience working in theatre as well as product development for consumer goods (watches and footwear). I think product management will be the perfect place for me to combine my varied skillsets of design knowledge, business strategy, and understanding of the fundamental building blocks of how things are made. I love aspects of TV & film but I am excited to explore a new career that offers the possibility of hybrid/remote work (which TV & film does not).
What did you enjoy most about the CareerFoundry Intro to Product Management Course?
The level of detail that CareerFoundry offers feels above what other programs promised. Yes, the CareerFoundry programs require more time than some of the other schools I looked into… but I have found the level of detail and productive feedback I’ve received from my tutor and mentor to be well worth the cost and time investment.
What did you enjoy about creating your CareerFoundry portfolio project?
While I have not worked in the “real world” field of product management yet, I feel that the assignments CareerFoundry has created really made me think about the material as though I was actually going to get up in front of team members or seniors and pitch my products.
With regards to your new career and skills, what are your hopes for the future?
My hopes for my professional future are that I am able to work for a company whose products I can take pride in. I’d like to work for a company where—regardless of company size and name recognition—I feel supported by seniors, can genuinely work together on a team, and where we can all check our egos at the door and remember who we are serving: the users.
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