Tiffany Dedeaux
What inspires me to be a Career Specialist is the chance to empower graduates to go into their job search with confidence because in a lot of ways the hard work of the next chapter of their careers is just beginning
Pair up with a Career Specialist in your area
Design your online presence
Create a winning resume (CV) showcasing your new skills and marketing your transferable ones
Showcase your work in a winning portfolio
Discover new corridors for finding job opportunities
Find perfect-fit positions
Create a cover letter that will get you noticed
Prepare for job interviews with expert support
What inspires me to be a Career Specialist is the chance to empower graduates to go into their job search with confidence because in a lot of ways the hard work of the next chapter of their careers is just beginning
Working with CareerFoundry graduates and employer partners is an absolute privilege. Helping people and companies find each other is the best feeling in the world.
I am inspired by working with motivated graduates and helping them shape their career and finding the right job
My career in HR has given me an opportunity to see firsthand what it takes to make an impression with employers, and I am eager to share some of my "insider knowledge" with CareerFoundry's students
I was inspired to become a Career Specialist because I love working with tech professionals and the whole industry fascinates me! I love working with CareerFoundry because my coworkers are fantastic, the students are awesome.
I became a Career Specialist to share my knowledge and experience of the recruiting and hiring process with job seekers,so that they can become more informed,and successful career changers.
There are so many people in the workforce that are struggling with burn out and overwhelm because what they are doing as well as how they are doing it are not aligned with their purpose or who they are at their core.