Web Development for Beginners Course

Find out if web development if for you with this 5-step course. Learn all about becoming a web developer, from the responsibilities that a web developer performs on a day-to-day basis to the set of skills you'll need to succeed in the role. And, of course, you'll get your hands dirty with code. You'll learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript—and you'll build your very first website from scratch, all in just 5 days!

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An Introduction To Web Development

In your first tutorial, you'll learn what exactly a web developer does, the different types of developer, and you the skills required to succeed in the role.👩‍💻Not only that; you'll also take a look at what the next five days have in store for you—and you'll create your first webpage!

In your first tutorial, you'll learn what exactly a web developer does, the different types of developer, and you the skills required to succeed in the role.👩‍💻Not only that; you'll also take a look at what the next five days have in store for you—and you'll create your first webpage!

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An Introduction To HTML

HTML is all about structuring data; it's the skeleton which holds everything together.🧱In this tutorial, you'll learn basic HTML syntax, some key HTML elements, and you'll also create the basic structure for your webpage. If you're feeling ambitious, don't miss out on the practical challenge!

HTML is all about structuring data; it's the skeleton which holds everything together.🧱In this tutorial, you'll learn basic HTML syntax, some key HTML elements, and you'll also create the basic structure for your webpage. If you're feeling ambitious, don't miss out on the practical challenge!

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An Introduction To CSS And Responsive Webpages

You've learned all about HTML—now it's time to get acquainted with CSS. CSS is a way of styling our HTML. It's what you use to change colors and make your site visually appealing.🌈In this tutorial, you'll learn how to position elements, mobile responsiveness and media queries, and you'll add CSS to your webpage.

You've learned all about HTML—now it's time to get acquainted with CSS. CSS is a way of styling our HTML. It's what you use to change colors and make your site visually appealing.🌈In this tutorial, you'll learn how to position elements, mobile responsiveness and media queries, and you'll add CSS to your webpage.

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Advanced Webpage Styling With CSS

It's only the fourth tutorial and you're already on Advanced Webpage Styling. 😇Not bad! So what does this actually entail? Well, in this tutorial you'll be customizing your webpage to make it more... you! You'll notice that your site is suddenly starting to look a bit more professional.

It's only the fourth tutorial and you're already on Advanced Webpage Styling. 😇Not bad! So what does this actually entail? Well, in this tutorial you'll be customizing your webpage to make it more... you! You'll notice that your site is suddenly starting to look a bit more professional.

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An Introduction To JavaScript

JavaScript is everywhere in today’s software development world.🌎It is the foundation of frontend web development and is the key ingredient in frameworks like ReactJS, Angular, and VueJS. In this JavaScript tutorial, we'll cover the basics (variables, functions, operators) before implementing a few snazzy snippets of code on your website.

JavaScript is everywhere in today’s software development world.🌎It is the foundation of frontend web development and is the key ingredient in frameworks like ReactJS, Angular, and VueJS. In this JavaScript tutorial, we'll cover the basics (variables, functions, operators) before implementing a few snazzy snippets of code on your website.

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Web Development for Beginners Course

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Achieve over 70% in our final test to access a 5% discount on our full program!

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